General Notices for Visitors
The rubrics of the Extraordinary Form of Mass require that Holy Communion be given on the tongue and kneeling. Those who cannot kneel because of illness, frailty or old-age are not obliged to kneel and are welcome to stand when receiving Holy Communion (though still on the tongue).
Parking – Do not park in the under-cover parking bay on the immediate left of Charles O’Neill Way. Parking is available further down, or on West St.
Please do not park in yellow-striped bay which is reserved for the St Vincent de Paul Night Patrol vans.
Please leave closer parking bays available for elderly and less mobile Mass-goers.
Notices Sunday July 10th 2022
Men’s Retreat
Fr. Adrian Wee will be preaching a retreat for men at Bowral from Friday 26th to Tuesday 30th August. The theme of the retreat will be “Journey to God with St. Bernard of Clairvaux”. You can make a booking or obtain more information by contacting Fr. Wee at theoudoulos@gmail.com
We have Sung Vespers with Benediction every Last Sunday of the Month. Compline after the Thursday Mass will resume again if Mass finishes before 8.30pm and if there are no liturgical events or practices after Mass.
On the 11th of July there will be no no morning Mass. We will have the Feast of Translation of the relics of St Benedict at 7pm and the blessing of St Benedict’s medal. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at 6pm.
Fr. Boyce would like to thank all those who organised, cooked and served the lunch for his annivesary celebration last week and those who stayed back to take down the tents and clean up. Thank you.
The collection pouches are on long sticks. Please be very careful during collection time for the moment. Fr. Wong is in the process of ordering safer collection baskets.
Notices Sunday June 26th 2022
Men’s Group
This group will begin meeting again, starting on Tuesday 5th July after the 6pm evening Mass. See Mr.John Gresser for more details.
Men’s Retreat
Fr.Adrian Wee FSSP will be preaching a retreat for men at Bowral from Friday 26th to Tuesday 30th August. The theme of the retreat will be “Journey to God with St Bernard of Clairvaux”. You can make a booking or obtain more information by contacting Fr Wee at theoudoulos@gmail.com
Reminder that July is the Month of the Most Precious Blood. The Litany of the Most Precious Blood was promulgated by Blessed John XXIII on February 24, 1960. The devotion to Our Lord in His Most Precious Blood was first popularised by St Gaspar del Bufalo (1786-1837, feast Dec 28) who founded the Missioners of the Most Precious Blood. A partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who recite this litany.
The Helpers of God’s Precious Infants is a small faithful group of Catholics who hold peaceful prayer vigils outside Parliament House each Tuesday for an end to abortion. Prayer vigils held from 10.30am until 11.30am each Tuesday. The legislation prohibiting prayer and counsel outside abortion mills in 2018 specifically allowed for “protests” outside NSW Parliament House. Please contact Mr.Paul Hanrahan for more information. All welcome.
Notices Sunday June 12th 2022
Corpus Christi
16th June, Thursday, Corpus Christi 7pm Mass
19th June, Sunday, External Solemnity, Corpus Christi 10.30am Mass with procession at MHM.
All other Masses will be the 2nd Sunday after Pentecost.
City Public Eucharistic Procession
Festivities begin at Martin Place, 1.30pm.
The Procession begins at 2.30pm sharp from the corner of Martin Place and Pitt Street.
The St.Francis de Sales Young Professionals Group
This group promotes Catholic friendships and holiness amidst this world, will meet again on June 25th. Details and RSVP by emailing Rebekah Pospischil (rebekah.3anne@gmail.com)
Donations over $2 are tax deductible
Notices Sunday June 5th 2022
FSSP Social Dinner
Saturday, July 9th from 5pm.
Renaissance Westella Function Centre in Lidcombe.
All enquiries to mhmparish@gmail.com
To book your ticket https://tinyurl.com/FSSP-Dinner
Mrs Aubynne Phillips (RIP)
The family of Mrs Phillips would like to thank all those who helped serve and chant the liturgy for the late Mrs Aubynne Phillips. Thank you for those who visited Mrs Phillips when she was in the nursing home.
Notices Sunday May 29th 2022
FSSP Social Dinner
Sunday 9th July, 2022 from 5pm.
Renaissance Westella Function Centre in Lidcombe.
All enquiries mhmparish@gmail.com
To book your ticket https://tinyurl.com/FSSP-Dinner
Mrs Aubynne Phillips (RIP)
In your charity please pray for Mrs Aubynne Phillips who returned to the Lord on May 27th.
Her requiem Mass and Burial is planned for the 4th of June, 10am at Maternal Heart of Mary
Vigil of Pentecost (Saturday): 8am Low Mass
St. Francis de Sales Young Professionals Group will meet again on
Saturday, June 25th 2022 at 6pm at Maternal Heart of Mary followed by dinner
Notices Sunday May 8th 2022
The pilgrim statue of Our Lady of Fatima is visiting our parish until 31st of May. If you have any petitions, please write them down and place them in the petition box at the side altar of Our Lady and we will remember your petitions in our daily Masses.
Please sign the petition against euthanasia. Sheets are available at the church for your signature.
St Francis de Sales Young Professionals Group
Men and women aged 21-35 are invited to attend the first meeting of the St Francis de Sales Young Professionals Group. The purpose of the group is to help young Catholic adults form virtuous friendships and to navigate in this world without being of this world.
Each meeting will consist of a talk about attaining holiness while living in our current climate, Eucharistic adoration, dinner and group recreation. We will especially study the wise counsels of St Francis de Sales, who had a keen perception of what it means to live in this world without having a worldly spirit.
The first meeting will be May 28th, 6pm at Maternal Heart. Chinese Dinner (pay your way) will follow at Eaton Restaurant in Ashfield. It is important to RSVP beforehand. Please email Rebekah Pospischil (see bulletin for email address).
Notices Sunday 1st May 2022
The FSSP priests will be away for a District Meeting this coming Tuesday 3rd May and Wednesday 4th May. The daily Mass for Tuesday will be at 7am – no sermon. No evening Mass on Tuesday. Wednesday Mass remains at 7am.
A reminder that all who are thinking of volunteering at Church must have a current Working with Children Check, have undergone an online induction course in Safeguarding and have signed a Code of Conduct.
Acting PSSO Mrs Tien Rofe
The Easter Duty
Can. 920 §1. After being initiated into the Most Holy Eucharist, each of the faithful is obliged to receive holy communion at least once a year.
§ This precept must be fulfilled during the Easter season unless it is fulfilled for a just cause at another time during the year.
“The Church obliges the faithful to take part in the Divine Liturgy on Sundays and feast days and, prepared by the sacrament of Reconciliation, to receive the Eucharist at least once a year, if possible during the Easter season. But the Church strongly encourages the faithful to receive the holy Eucharist on Sundays and feast days , or more often still, even daily…” (CCC 1389)
Notices Sunday 3rd April 2022
Plenary Indulgences for Holy Week
Holy Thursday
- If during the solemn reservation of the Blessed Sacrament (typically on a side altar), which follows the Mass of the Lord’s Supper, you recite or sing the Eucharistic hymn “Tantum Ergo”
- If you adore the solemnity reserved Blessed Sacrament for a half hour.
Good Friday
- If you venerate the Cross in the celebration of the Lord’s Passion.
- If you piously participate in the Stations of the Cross.
Holy Saturday
- If you attend the celebrations of the Easter Vigil at night and renew your baptismal promises, which is part of the liturgy of that Mass.