General Notices for Visitors
The rubrics of the Extraordinary Form of Mass require that Holy Communion be given on the tongue and kneeling. Those who cannot kneel because of illness, frailty or old-age are not obliged to kneel and are welcome to stand when receiving Holy Communion (though still on the tongue).
Parking – Do not park in the under-cover parking bay on the immediate left of Charles O’Neill Way. Parking is available further down, or on West St.
Please do not park in yellow-striped bay which is reserved for the St Vincent de Paul Night Patrol vans.
Please leave closer parking bays available for elderly and less mobile Mass-goers.
Notices Sunday September 18th 2022
FSSP Parramatta Fundraising Dinner 5 Nov
The Parramatta apostolate will be hosting a fundraising dinner to raise money for their Church Building Fund.
The dinner will be held from 6:30pm on Saturday 5 Nov at the Blacktown Croatian Parish Hall, 70 Douglas Rd Blacktown.
Tickets for the three-course meal are $60pp and there is a $100 discount for a table of ten.
Please register at https://fssp-parra.org/building-project/
Notices Sunday September 11th 2022
As a community we express our sorrow at the passing of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. At the grief of her passing may we comfort one another and trust in God’s peace that surpasses all understanding. Let us give heartfelt thanks to God for the Queen’s long reign marked by dignity, grace and humble service motivated by her Christian faith. We pray that she may be enfolded in God’s Mercy and be granted eternal rest.
The parish is now beginning to prepare in earnest for the Sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday October 22nd.
If you have a child who is aged nine or over, who has not been confirmed and whom you would like to be confirmed, please email: mhmconfirmations2022@
We will then provide you with a link to complete the enrolment of your child/children.
First Holy Communion
1st Holy Communion will take place on October 30th at the 10.30 am Mass.
Please inform Fr Wong if you would like your child to make 1st Holy Communion. The child would usually have had reached the age of reason (7 years old).
Please send request to sydney@fssp.net under subject heading 1st Holy Communion.
Please include
Date of Birth:
Date of Baptism:
Church of Baptism:
Name of Father:
Name of Mother:
School attending:
If the child was not baptised at MHM, please send a copy of Baptismal Certificate.
Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary 2022
From Nov 9 – Dec 12, Fr Wallace will lead the 33 day preparation for the total consecration to Jesus through Mary.
Many have benefitted from last year’s consecration, by which they became loving slaves of Mary for the purpose of becoming closer to Jesus. This year the format of preparation will largely be the same. The talks will be slightly revised, and most of them will take place after the Saturday 9am Masses at MHM (they will also be broadcast on Youtube).
For those who are renewing their consecration and want to grow further in it, Fr Wallace will post special, supplementary talks on the FSSP Sydney Youtube page at https://www.youtube.com/c/
Those preparing for total consecration will need special books for the 33 day process (the same books as last year). If you would like to order a book, please email Fr Wallace at maternalheartconsecration@
Please email Fr Wallace by September 25th with your order, or if you have questions.
Bush Dance
You are invited to a Bush Dance on Saturday 8th October, starting at approximately 6pm.
If anyone would like to contribute some salads, please speak to Kate.
Cost: Ticket prices are:
$25.00 adults, children under 12 years free;
$20.00 students and pensioners
Venue: Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Hall, Homer Street Earlwood, but the entrance to the Parish Hall is by way of St James Avenue.
Parking: There is a small car park at the Parish Hall entrance but we would request that this be used only by those who have mobility difficulties or other reasons. There is a large Council car park approximately 100 metres further down St James Avenue, which will accommodate all.
The tickets can be booked via Try Booking:
Notices Sunday September 4th 2022
Procession of Our Lady of Fatima
Date: Saturday 15th October
Time: 3.30pm start time at St. Mary’s Cathedral, finishing in time for 6pm Mass at St.Patrick’s Church Hill
Duration: about 2.5 hours
Route: St. Mary’s Cathedral forecourt, Hyde Park, NSW Parliament House, Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney Opera House, Opera Quays, Circular Quay and St. Patrick’s Church Hill.
Notices Sunday 28th August 2022
Migrant and Refugee Sunday
Let us pray for all migrants and refugees. The Migrant and Refugee Kit 2022 from the Archdiocese can be downloaded at: https://www.acmro.catholic.org.au/resources/migrant-refugee-kit
Archdiocesan Ignite Conferences 2022
Thursday 29th September – Sunday 2nd October
Freeman College Bonnyrig
$100 discount available for first 50 young adults who register or volunteer from the Archdiocese of Sydney.
Email John.nguyen@sydneycatholic.org for the discount code.
Read more about the conference online: https://igniteconference.com.au
Notices Sunday August 21st 2022
The St. Francis de Sales Young Professionals Group will meet next on August 27th. The group seeks to form Catholic friendships and grow in holiness while living in this modern world. Catholics aged 21-35 are invited to attend.
Safeguarding Reminder
It is time for a few of our volunteers to register for the online safeguarding course. It has to be taken every 3 years. Please sign up for the on-line safeguarding course if you are notified by email. Currently Mrs Tien Rofe is our acting PSSO whilst the new PSSO is being trained.
Parents are reminded that children should be supervised and accompanied by an adult when they go to the bathroom. Please close the entrance gate at West St after you exit as it is a security risk for the refuge and for our little children running on to the road.
Notices Sunday July 31st
The Bishop’s Blend Breakfast
Looking to network with other young Catholic professionals and learn how to live your faith in the workplace? Then join Bishop Richard Umbers, Auxiliary Bishop of Sydney on Monday 8th August at 7am at the Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney for the Bishop’s Blend Breakfast for Young Professionals. Online booking is essential. For more information and to purchase tickets go to https://sydneycatholic.eventsair.com/the-bishops-blend/tbbx/Site/Register or contact at bishopsblend@sydneycatholic.org
Men’s Group
This group will be meeting on Tuesday 2nd August after the 6pm Mass. See Mr John Gresser for more details.
Please do not double park or impede traffic flow on Charles O’Neil Way esp at the narrow junction as ambulances and the fire brigade have to be able to reach Lewisham nursing home in the event on an emergency.
Notices Sunday July 24th 2022
Parish Renewal Conference
Dr Hahn, Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP and a stellar array of speakers will address Sydney’s faithful at the upcoming Parish Renewal Conference. Join us as Dr Hahn, a convert from evangelical Christianity, explores the perennial call to be Evangelising Catholics in the midst of A Culture in Need of the Gospel. Register at www.gomakedisciples.org.au/prc22
St Mary’s Cathedral Precinct
Friday 19th August, 6-9pm and
Saturday 20th August, 9am-5.15pm
$25 per person for parishioners in the Archdiocese of Sydney
Notices Sunday 17th July 2022
The St Francis de Sales Young Professionals Group will meet next on July 30th. The group seeks to form Catholic friendships and grow in holiness while living in this modern world. Catholics aged 21-35 are invited to attend. Please RSVP with the QR code in the bulletin or email Rebekah Pospischil at rebekah.3anne@gmail.com
Peter’s Pence Collection
A record of appreciation to all those generous souls who helped in the Philosophy Camp, 2022.