Maternal Heart Votive Masses


Monday The Most Holy Trinity

Tuesday The Holy Angels

Wednesday 1. St Joseph

Wednesday 2. The Holy Apostles Peter and Paul

Wednesday 3. The Holy Apostles

Thursday 1. The Holy Ghost

Thursday 2. The Most Holy Sacrament

Thursday 3. Our Lord Jesus Christ, Supreme and Eternal Priest

Friday 1. The Holy Cross

Friday 2. The Passion of our Lord

Friday 3. The Sacred Heart of our Lord

Saturday Our Lady



For the Propagation of the Faith

For the Defence of the Church

For the Unity of the Church

For the Sick

For Pilgrims and Travellers

For any Necessity



The Prayer of Jesus – Tuesday after the Sunday at Septuagesima

Commemoration of the Passion – Tuesday after the Sunday at Sexagesima

The Holy Face of Our Lord – Tuesday before Ash Wednesday

The Holy Crown of Thorns – Friday after Ash Wednesday

The Holy Shroud of Our Lord – Friday after the second Sunday of Lent

The Five Holy Wounds of Our Lord – Friday after the third Sunday of Lent

The Most Pure Heart of Our Lady – Second Saturday after Corpus Christi

Our Lady of Advent – Rorate Mass

Our Lady, Queen of All Saints and Mother of Fair Love

First Saturday Immaculate Heart of Mary



Our Lady of the Pillar – Patroness of the Spanish World – October 12

Feast of the Holy Relics – November 5