Maternal Heart Mass Propers of the Saints


Jan. 13 – Baptism of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Jan. 14 – St Hilary

Jan. 15 – St Paul the First Hermit

Jan. 16 – St Marcellus I

Jan. 17 – St Anthony

Jan. 18 – Chair of St Peter in Rome

Jan. 20 – St Fabian and St Sebastian

Jan. 21 – St Agnes

Jan. 22 – Ss Vincent and Anastasius

Jan. 23 – St Raymond of Penafort

Jan. 24 – St Timothy

Jan. 25 – Conversion of St Paul

Jan. 26 – St Polycarp

Jan. 27 – St John Chrysostom

Jan. 28 – St Peter Nolasco

Jan. 29 – St Francis de Sales

Jan. 30 – St Martina

Jan. 31 – St John Bosco


Feb. 1 – St Ignatius

Feb. 1 – St Brigid of Kildare

Feb. 2 – Purification of the BVM

Feb. 3 – St Blaise

Feb. 4 – St Andrew Corsini

Feb. 5 – St Agatha

Feb. 6 – St Titus

Feb. 7 – St Romuald

Feb. 8 – St John of Matha

Feb. 9 – St Cyril of Alexandria

Feb. 10 – St Scholastica

Feb. 11 – Apparition of the Immaculate Virgin Mary at Lourdes

Feb. 12 – Seven Founders of the Servite Order

Feb. 14 – St Valentine

Feb. 22 – Chair of St Peter

Feb. 23 – St Peter Damian

Feb. 24 or 25 – St Matthias

Feb. 27 – St Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows


Mar. 4 – St Casimir of Lithuania

Mar. 6 – Ss Perpetua and Felicity and Companions

Mar. 7 – St Thomas Aquinas

Mar. 8 – St John of God

Mar. 9 – St Frances of Rome

Mar. 10 – Forty Martyrs of Sebaste

Mar. 12 – St Gregory the Great

Mar. 17 – St Patrick

Mar. 18 – St Cyril of Jerusalem

Mar. 19 – St Joseph, Spouse of the BVM

Mar. 21 – St Benedict

Mar. 24 – St Gabriel the Archangel

Mar. 25 – Annunciation of the BVM

Mar. 27 – St John Damascene

Mar. 28 – St John Capistran


Apr. 2 – St Francis of Paula

Apr. 4 – St Isidore

Apr. 5 – St Vincent Ferrer

Apr. 11 – St Leo I

Apr. 13 – St Hermenegild

Apr. 14 – St Justin

Apr. 21 – St Anselm

Apr. 22 – Ss Soter and Caius

Apr. 23 – St George

Apr. 24 – St Fidelis of Sigmaringen

Apr. 25 – St Mark

Apr. 26 – Ss Cletus and Marcellinus

Apr. 27 – St Peter Canisius

Apr. 28 – St Paul of the Cross

Apr. 28 – St Peter Chanel

Apr. 29 – St Peter of Verona

Apr. 30 – St Catherine of Sienna


May 1 – St Joseph the Worker

May 2 – St Athanasius

May 3 – Votive Mass of the Finding of the True Cross

May 4 – St Monica

May 5 – St Pius V

May 7 – St Stanislaus

May 9 – St Gregory Nazianzen

May 10 – St Antoninus

May 11 – Ss Philip and James

May 12 – Ss Nereus, Achilleus, Domitilla, and Pancras

May 13 – St Robert Bellarmine

May 14 – Our Lady of Fatima
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May 15 – St John Baptist de la Salle

May 16 – St Ubaldus

May 17 – St Paschal Baylon

May 18 – St Venantius

May 19 – St Peter Celestine

May 20 – St Bernardine of Siena

May 24 – Our Lady Help of Christians

May 25 – St Gregory VII

May 26 – St Philip Neri

May 27 – St Bede the Venerable

May 28 – St Augustine of Canterbury

May 29 – St Mary Magdalen of Pazzi

May 31 – Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary


Jun. 1 – St Angela Merici

Jun. 4 – St Francis Caracciolo

Jun. 5 – St Boniface

Jun. 6 – St Norbert

Jun. 9 – St Columba

Jun. 10 – St Margaret

Jun. 11 – St Barnabas

Jun. 12 – St John of San Facundo

Jun. 13 – St Anthony of Padua

Jun. 14 – St Basil the Great

Jun. 17 – St Gregory Barbarigo

Jun. 18 – St Ephrem

Jun. 19 – St Juliana Falconieri

Jun. 21 – St Aloysius Gonzaga

Jun. 22 – St Paulinus

Jun. 23 – Vigil of St John the Baptist

Jun. 24 – Nativity of St John the Baptist

Jun. 25 – St William

Jun. 26 – Ss John and Paul

Jun. 27 – Our Lady of Perpetual Succour

Jun. 28 – Vigil of the Apostles Ss Peter and Paul

Jun. 29 – Ss Peter and Paul

Jun. 30 – Commemoration of St Paul


Jul. 1 – The Feast of the Most Precious Blood

Jul. 2 – The Visitation of the BVM

Jul. 3 – St Irenaeus

Jul. 5 – St Anthony Mary Zaccaria

Jul. 7 – Ss Cyril and Methodius

Jul. 8 – St Elizabeth

Jul. 10 – The Seven Holy Brothers and Ss Rufina and Secunda

Jul. 11 – Benedictine Feast of St Benedict

Jul. 11 – St Oliver Plunkett

Jul. 12 – St John Gualbert

Jul. 14 – St Bonaventure

Jul. 15 – St Henry

Jul. 16 – Commemoration of Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Jul. 17 – St Alexius

Jul. 18 – St Camillus de Lellis

Jul. 19 – St Vincent de Paul

Jul. 20 – St Jerome Emilian

Jul. 21 – St Lawrence of Brindisi

Jul. 22 – St Mary Magdalen

Jul. 23 – St Apollinaris

Jul. 25 – St James the Greater

Jul. 26 – St Anne

Jul. 28 – Ss Nazarius and CelsusSt Victor ISt Innocent I

Jul. 29 – St Martha

Jul. 31 – St Ignatius of Loyola


Aug. 1 – Holy Machabees

Aug. 1 – St Peter in Chains

Aug. 2 – St Alphonsus Mary de Ligouri

Aug. 4 – St Dominic

Aug. 5 – Dedication of the Church of St Mary of the Snows

Aug. 6 – Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Aug. 7 – St Cajetan

Aug. 8 – St John Mary Vianney

Aug. 8 – St Mary of the Cross

Aug. 9 – Vigil of St Lawrence

Aug. 10 – St Lawrence

Aug. 11 – St Philomena

Aug. 12 – St Clare

Aug. 14 – Vigil of the Assumption of the BVM

Aug. 15 – : Assumption of the BVM OR with Booklet of Feast with Blessing of Herbs included.

Aug. 16 – St Joachim

Aug. 17 – St Hyacinth

Aug. 19 – St John Eudes

Aug. 20 – St Bernard

Aug. 21 – St Jane Frances de Chantal

Aug. 22 – Feast of the Immaculate Heart of the BVM

Aug. 23 – St Philip Benizi

Aug. 24 – St Bartholomew

Aug. 25 – St Louis

Aug. 26 – Our Lady of Czestochova

Aug. 27 – St Joseph Calasanctius

Aug. 28 – St Augustine of Hippo

Aug. 29 – Beheading of St John the Baptist

Aug. 30 – St Rose of Lima

Aug. 31 – St Raymund Nonnatus

August, last Saturday – Our Lady, Health of the Sick


Sep. 2 – St Stephen

Sep. 2 – Dedication of St Mary’s Cathedral

Sep. 3 – St Pius X

Sep. 5 – St Lawrence Justinian

Sep. 8 – Nativity of the BVM

Sep. 10 – St Nicholas of Tolentino

Sep. 12 – Most Holy Name of Mary

Sep. 14 – The Exaltation of the Holy Cross OR with Veneration

Sep. 15 – Seven Sorrows of the BVM

Sep. 16 – St Cornelius and St Cyprian

Sep. 17 – Commemoration of the Holy Stigmata

Sep. 18 – St Joseph of Cupertino

Sep. 19 – St Januarius

Sep. 21 – St Matthew

Sep. 22 – St Thomas of Villanova

Sep. 23 – St Linus

Sep. 24 – Our Lady of Ransom

Sep. 27 – Ss Cosmas and Damian

Sep. 28 – St Wenceslaus

Sep. 29 – The Dedication of St Michael the Archangel

Sep. 30 – St Jerome


Oct. 2 – The Holy Guardian Angels

Oct. 3 – St Theresa of the Child Jesus

Oct. 4 – St Francis of Assisi | Novena to St Francis of Assisi

Oct. 6 – St Bruno

Oct. 7 – The Most Holy Rosary of the BVM

Oct. 8 – St Bridget

Oct. 9 – St John Leonardi

Oct. 10 – St Francis Borgia

Oct. 11 – The Maternal Heart of Mary

Oct. 13 – St Edward

Oct. 14 – St Callistus

Oct. 15 – St Teresa of Avila

Oct. 16 – St Hedwig

Oct. 17 – St Margaret Mary Alacoque

Oct. 18 – St Luke

Oct. 19 – St Peter of Alcantara

Oct. 20 – St John Cantius

Oct. 23 – St Anthony Mary Claret

Oct. 24 – St Raphael

Oct. 28 – Ss Simon and Jude

Last Sunday of October – Christ the King OR with Adoration


Nov. 1 – The Feast of All Saints OR with Litany

Nov. 2 – All Souls’ Day Low Mass 1 OR Low Masses 1, 2 and 3. OR Low Masses 1, 2 and 3with absolution. OR Solemn Mass with absolution.

Nov. 4 – St Charles Borromeo

Nov. 9 – : The Dedication of the Archbasilica of Our Saviour

Nov. 10 – St Andrew Avellino

Nov. 11 – St Martin of Tours

Nov. 12 – St Martin I

Nov. 13 – St Didacus

Nov. 14 – St Josaphat

Nov. 15 – St Albert the Great

Nov. 16 – St Gertrude

Nov. 17 – St Gregory the Wonderworker

Nov. 18 – The Dedication of the Basilicas of Ss Peter and Paul

Nov. 19 – St Elizabeth of Hungary

Nov. 20 – St Felix of Valois

Nov. 21 – The Presentation of the BVM

Nov. 22 – St Cecilia

Nov. 23 – St Clement I

Nov. 24 – St John of the Cross

Nov. 25 – St Catherine of Alexandria

Nov. 26 – St Sylvester

Nov. 27 – Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal [with Blessing Rite of the Miraculous Medals]

Nov. 28 – St Catherine Laboure

Nov. 30 – St Andrew


Dec. 2 – St Bibiana

Dec. 3 – St Francis Xavier

Dec. 4 – St Peter Chrysologus

Dec. 6 – St Nicholas

Dec. 7 – St Ambrose

Dec. 8 – The Immaculate Conception of the BVM

Dec. 11 – St Damasus

Dec. 12 – Our Lady of Guadalupe

Dec. 13 – St Lucy

Dec. 16 – St Eusebius

Dec. 21 – St Thomas