
General Notices for Visitors

The rubrics of the Extraordinary Form of Mass require that Holy Communion be given on the tongue and kneeling. Those who cannot kneel because of illness, frailty or old-age are not obliged to kneel and are welcome to stand when receiving Holy Communion (though still on the tongue).

Parking – Do not park in the under-cover parking bay on the immediate left of Charles O’Neill Way. Parking is available further down, or on West St.
Please do not park in yellow-striped bay which is reserved for the St Vincent de Paul Night Patrol vans.
Please leave closer parking bays available for elderly and less mobile Mass-goers.

Piety Stall

December 9, 2018

The Piety Stall will be open on Gaudete Sunday. On sale will be new books, icons, sacramentals, lace mantillas, Cloister Coffee and a selection of Christmas gifts.

Christmas Mass Times 2018

December 2, 2018

9pm, 24th December
“Midnight” Mass, St.Thomas of Canterbury Church, Lewisham

5am, 25th December
Dawn Mass, St.Thomas of Canterbury Church, Lewisham

9.30am, 25th December
Christmas Day Mass, St.Patrick’s Church, Summer Hill

BBQ Gaudete Sunday

December 2, 2018

On Gaudete Sunday, 16th December, there will be a BBQ in the Maternal Heart courtyard after High Mass.
St. Nicholas may also make an appearance!
(Note for parents: St.Nicholas’ helper is Consuella Jankovic.)

Christmas Mass Times

November 27, 2018

Christmas Mass Times will be confirmed this week and will be advertised in the bulletin next Sunday. They will necessarily be different to previous years since, as guests, we need to fit in with the other parish Masses. Thank you for your understanding.

Piety Stall and Book Donations

November 26, 2018

The piety stall will be open after the High Mass at St.Thomas on the first Sunday of Advent (2nd Dec). On sale will be: new books, icons, sacramentals, lace mantillas, Cloister Coffee and a selection of Christmas gifts.

On the same Sunday, Mrs.Georgina Brazier will be taking donations of books for the traditional Carmelite nuns, who will be founding a new Carmel in rural NSW next year (God willing). Of particular interest are books written by Carmelites (Saints or well-known spiritual authors.)

Sunday High Mass time

November 18, 2018

Starting from 25th November (next Sunday), the High Mass at St.Thomas Beckett Church will start 15 minutes later, at 12.15pm. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Notices 18/11/18

November 18, 2018

RIP Mrs Yvonne Hicks

In your charity please pray for Mrs.Hicks who passed to God last week. The family have organised her funeral on the north coast.

Minor Orders

We congratulate Nathan Pospischil and Savio Misquita who received the minor orders of Porter and Lector yesterday. Please keep them and all our seminarians in your prayers.

No smoking in MHM Courtyard

The Society of St.Vincent de Paul has declared the Maternal Heart courtyard (including the fountain area) to be a no smoking area. It will now be necessary to remove oneself to the roadway/parking lot for this purpose. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

IMPORTANT: Sunday 18th November

November 12, 2018

Both Masses on Sunday 18th November will be at St.Patrick’s Church, Summer Hill, as St.Thomas Beckett has a long-standing booking for a wedding that day. Low Mass at 10am. Sung Mass 12pm.