St Francis de Sales Young Professionals Group
“In the world those who aim at a devout life require to be united one with another by a holy friendship, which excites, stimulates and encourages them in well-doing.”
– St Francis de Sales, Introduction to the Devout Life, Book III, Ch 19.
The St Francis de Sales Young Professionals Group has a twofold purpose: 1) To help Catholic young adults form virtuous and holy friendships. 2) To keep them away from the wicked spirit of the world. Its holy patron is St Francis de Sales, Doctor of Charity. He had a penetrating view of the depth of Christian friendship, and the prudence needed to progress in virtue while living in modern society.

Men and women aged 21-35 are invited to attend the monthly meeting, usually on a Saturday evening at Maternal Heart of Mary Church. Each meeting consists of a talk by one of the priests (usually a commentary on a writing by St Francis de Sales), time for prayer and Eucharistic adoration, and finally a cookout in the courtyard. Please see the weekly bulletin for information on the next meeting.
“Let us leave the blind world to make as much noise as it may,—like a bat bothering the songbirds of day; let us be firm in our ways, unchangeable in our resolutions, and perseverance will be the test of our self-surrender to God, and our deliberate choice of the devout life.”
-St Francis de Sales, Introduction to the Devout Life, Book IV, Ch 1.