Saturday, 29 March
Feria in Lent [3rd]
9:00am Low Mass
Sunday, 30 March
Fourth Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday) [1st]
7:00am Low Mass
8:30am Low Mass
10:30am Sung Mass
4:00pm Sung Mass
5:30pm Second Vespers
Monday, 31 March
Feria in Lent [3rd]
7:00am Low Mass
Tuesday, 01 April
Feria in Lent [3rd]
6:00pm Low Mass
Wednesday, 02 April
Feria in Lent with commemoration of St. Francis of Paula, Confessor [3rd]
7:00am Low Mass
Thursday, 03 April
Feria in Lent [3rd]
7:00pm Sung Mass
Friday, 04 April
Feria in Lent with commemoration of St. Isidore, Bishop, Confessor, and Doctor of the Church with First Friday devotions after Mass [3rd]
5:45pm Low Mass
7:00pm Sung Mass
Saturday, 05 April
Feria in Lent with commemoration of St. Vincent Ferrer, Confessor with First Saturday devotions after Mass [3rd]
9:00am Low Mass
Sunday, 06 April
First Sunday of Passiontide (Passion Sunday) [1st]
7:00am Low Mass
8:30am Low Mass
10:30am Sung Mass
3:00pm Sung Vespers
4:00pm Sung Mass
Monday, 07 April
Feria in Passiontide [3rd]
7:00am Low Mass
Tuesday, 08 April
Feria in Passiontide [3rd]
6:00pm Low Mass
Wednesday, 09 April
Feria in Passiontide [3rd]
7:00am Low Mass
Thursday, 10 April
Feria in Passiontide [3rd]
7:00pm Sung Mass
Friday, 11 April
Seven Dolours of the BVM with commemoration of Feria and of St. Leo I, Pope, Confessor and Doctor [3rd]
6:15pm Low Mass
Saturday, 12 April
Feria in Passiontide [3rd]
9:00am Low Mass
Sunday, 13 April
Second Sunday of Passiontide (Palm Sunday) [1st]
7:00am Low Mass
8:30am Low Mass
10:30am Sung Mass
4:00pm Sung Mass
Monday, 14 April
Monday in Holy Week [1st]
7:00am Low Mass