Men’s Group

Men ’s group will meet on March 7, Tuesday, after the 6:00 pm Mass, the group will head out for dinner to Bar Italia at 169 Norton St., Leichhardt. Confessions will be heard throughout Mass. All welcome!

Dinner and talk by Mr. Steve Mosher: Saturday, March 26

Mr. Steve Mosher from the Population Research Institute, USA will give a talk on Censorship, Coercion and Informed consent at the Canterbury Leagues Club, Belmore.

The event will include a formal dinner and also a pre-recorded video talk by Ms. Pamela Acker, M.S., addressing the morality of vaccines.

This evening is sponsored jointly by Family Life International Australia and Parousia Media.

For more information please look at the website.

Annual Day of the Unborn Child: Sunday, March 26

Mass : St Mary’s Cathedral at 10.30 am.

Angelus : 12:00 pm led by the Very Rev. Anthony Fisher.

Following Angelus all proceed outside to the forecourt to gather for the procession which begins at 12:30 pm.

The procession proceeds to NSW Parliament House where prayers will be recited followed by an address from a guest speaker Mr. Steve Mosher from USA.

The group processes back to the Cathedral for Benediction at 1:30 pm.