St Francis de Sales Young Professionals Group

The Young Professionals Group will meet on Saturday, 26th November at 5:30pm at Maternal Heart of Mary Church.

The meeting begins with a talk on Gentleness based on the teaching of St Francis de Sales, followed by Eucharistic adoration, and a bbq in the church courtyard.

(This group is for Catholics aged 21-35. Its purpose is to help young men and women form holy friendships and to keep themselves unspotted from the dangers of worldliness.)

Please RSVP and volunteer to bring a side dish using the registration form. Or email Rebekah Pospischil at

Upcoming Events

There will be a Children’s Gaudete Sunday Party on Sunday, 11th December after the 10:30 am High Mass. Please mark your calendars accordingly.

Weather permitting, we may have a picnic in the Oval.

Parking Reminder

Please do not park in the under-cover parking bay on the immediate left of Charles O’Neill Way.

Parking is available further down, or on West St.

Also, please do not park in yellow-striped bay which is reserved for the St Vincent de Paul Night Patrol vans.

Please leave closer parking bays available for elderly and less mobile Mass-goers.