A parish social event for adults is being organised for Saturday August 7th. The dinner will be held at The Renaissance in Lidcombe and will be open to adults from the parish. Later in the year we will have a general parish event open to all including children. To register please email mhm.dinner@gmail.com or speak to Fr. Gilbride.

As Fr. Wong and Fr. Gilbride will be attending the ordination Mass at Auckland, New Zealand, Fr. Sypher will take the parish Masses from July 1st to July 3rd. Only one Mass for July 1st.

2021 Australian Catholic Students Association National Conference will be held July 16-18 at the Benedict XVI Retreat Centre in Grose Vale. It has a particular emphasis on the Catholic intellectual life and on solemn liturgy.

This week is the last week of term for Holy Family Education and Wed Adult Education. Classes will recess for two weeks.