Christmas Hampers

Fr. Peter Guy is organising Christmas hampers for the homeless poor. Simplicity Funerals is assisting him with this initiative. They are looking for non-perishable food items. If you want to donate some clothes, you may do so also but fold them neatly. The pick up will take place at the 2nd Sunday of Advent.

Rorate Mass
12th December, 5am, Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Christmas Liturgical Schedule
Christmas Vigil (Purple-Penitential) Low Mass: 6pm
Christmas Matins: 8pm

Midnight Mass (Solemn): 11.50pm
Midnight Mass (Low): Immediately after Solemn Mass

Dawn Mass (Sung): 5am
Dawn Mass (Low): 6.45am

Low Day Mass (Low): 8am
Day Mass (Solemn): 9.30am